Can you believe the nonsense that mixed states in bipolar bring upon you? After 8 weeks of getting a decent job that pays pretty well for a person who doesn’t have to budget on anything, it slipped through my fingers. This evening I got a call:

Employer: Hello, I was just wondering if you were coming into work tomorrow?

Me: Erm, no (Im trying to take control of my life, i have no time for you)

Employer: Because you missed work last week, and i am very disappointed that you didnt even bother to call in.

Me: (Look, stuff you and your poxy job!) Okay then…And your point is?

Employer: You should have called.

Me: Well my contract is ending next Saturday, so I’ll come in when I feel like it.

*Hung up the phone*

Yeah, I most certainly got fired after that, I missed 3 days of work in a row. I got an email later saying that the keys need to be returned and the uniform also.
Because I can’t use my disorder as an excuse to call out, I started lying. There were times where I used to spend the whole day not only depressed, but also with extreme feelings of guilt and self loathing for letting my boss and coworkers down. But if you ask me now? I couldn’t give two flying monkeys. I’ve had complete lack of motivation to do the work, whereas when I started 8 weeks ago, I was on the job. During my manic episodes was when I worked best. But not every week has been like that. You may think I’m depressed now, but I’m seriously not. Physically exhausted, but mentally, that’s another case.

My Advice To You

Find a job that is suitable for you. Bipolar Disorder manifests itself at work. With the highs of mania and the lows of depression, its no small feat.

Many people with bipolar disorder find themselves seeking project-oriented careers or practical careers, where the work is intense for short periods. Even though this seems to fit the ups and downs of the illness, it is often better to seek more structured work with a regular schedule. Long or irregular work hours can wreak havoc with your stability and job performance knocking you over the cliff.

Sometimes, though, full-time work feels too challenging. If that’s the case for you, it may help to ask your supervisor about flexible hours, a self-paced workload, the ability to work from home, or part-time work schedules. Also, see whether you can make up lost time when necessary.

Whether with work or other aspects of your day — such as sleep, meals, and exercise — regular schedules may be the best policy. Structure provides predictability. It also reduces stimulation and promotes organization and stability.

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